"One Child One Blanket," is an initiative brought together by Bryan Law Firm and Orlando’s premere Spanish churches. Together they will provide relief to migrant children crossing the Mexican border into the United States. They care to make a difference in the lives of children. Their commitment to providing warmth and comfort through blankets and other essential items is truly inspiring. Thank you for all that you do!
- Pamela
The Story
The Story
Crossing the Mexican desert in the winter months can be a treacherous and perilous jpurney. The desert is vast and unforgiving, with harsh weather conditions that can fluctuate rapidly. Temperatures can drop below freezing at night, while scortching heat during the day can cause dehydration and exhaustion.
Those who attempt to cross the desert face numerous dangers, from the risk of getting lost or running out of water to the threat of of being detained of turned back by border patrol agents. The journey is long and arduous, requiring a tremendous amount of physical and mental stamina.
Dispite the dangers and difficulties, many people still attempt to cross the desert in the hope of finding a better lifein the United States. For these individuals, the journey is a test of their resilience and determination, a testament to their unwavering commitment to a brighter future.
Donation Campaigns
The "One Child One Blanket" donation plan is a charitable effort that aims to provide basic necessities to chldren ariving into the United States from Mexico.The plan includes providing water, non-perishable food, blankets, shoes, clothing, socks and hats to children who are in need. The donation location will be announced as we become more present.
By providing these basic necessities, the "One Child One Blanket" donation plan aims to improve the well-being of children in this moment of chaos and crisis. The provision of simple and basic necessities are pivitol in the quest to help these children thrive. It is a staightforward and effective way to make a positive impact on the lives of children.
Event Planning
Our "One Child One Blanket" campaign is proud to announce thet we will be bringing donations once per year to McAllen, Texas durring the 2023, Thanksgiving weekend.
Connect with Us
Have a question or want to get involved? Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in supporting our charitable mission.
About us
One Child One Blanket is a charitable initative based in Altamonte Springs, FL. Our mission is to provide warmth, comfort and opportunity to migrant children caught in choas and crisis while arriving in the United States from Mexico.
We believe that every child deserves a warm blanket, good nutrition and an opportunity to thrive. Through donations and partnerships, we are able to distribute blankets and other required items to children in Texas. Join us in making a difference, one blanket and one act of love at a time.